Push Services

Push Services run on InfoNexus and are initiated by DataSync, ensuring that your system receives the latest decedent information, ready for integration with your own processes.

Overview of Push Services

DataSync orchestrates the entire Push process, ensuring that you have the latest matches with decedent data.

  • Receive and Post DMF Data: Receives DMF data from the LAMDF (and other) decedent sources. Posts updates and changes to the DMF datastore.
  • Match and Post: Conducts the Match and updates the Match History table and the Push Log table in your InfoPump database.
  • Activity Alert: Sends an email to your designated administrator of Push activity and Match results.


InfoNexus is the cornerstone of the Push Services, responsible for gathering and processing decedent data. Key features include:

  • Data Aggregation: Continuously collects decedent data from multiple sources, including the Decedent Master File (DMF), National Identification Numbers (NIN), National Location Numbers (NLN), and Interment Locator.
  • Real-Time Updates: Processes data in real-time, ensuring that the most recent information is always available.
  • Automatic Distribution: Pushes relevant updates directly to the customer’s InfoPump, triggered by DataSync.
  • Scheduled Pushes: Configurable schedules to ensure updates are pushed at optimal times, reducing system load during peak hours.
  • Push Filtering: Filters updates based on criteria set by the customer, ensuring only pertinent data is sent.

Benefits of Push Services

Push Services offer significant advantages, including:

  • Timeliness: Ensure your data is always current with the latest decedent information.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the need for manual data pulls, freeing up resources for other tasks.
  • Reliability: Automated processes minimize the risk of data being outdated or missed.
  • Pull-n-Play: No additional steps are required to initiate the Push Service.